Walker Funeral Home
Walker Funeral Home is committed to providing you with award-winning service and affordable prices. We know, and understand, that making funeral arrangements is a delicate matter, which is why our caring and experienced staff will guide you through the entire process. We take the time to get to know you, your loved one, and your wishes – then we do everything we can to ensure that you get just what you need, at a price you can afford. We will help you create a warm, personalized ceremony, to honor your loved one at one of our beautiful locations.
Our business has been built on trust, integrity and the compassionate care we provide Cincinnati families and their loved ones. We are proud to be family owned and operated and we treat each family we serve like one of our own. This is why we continually strive to provide top-notch service and quality products for the best value you'll find anywhere.
Walker guarantees that all our merchandise is of the highest quality. You will have the peace of mind of knowing that we provide top-notch quality at the absolute best value in Cincinnati.
We keep it simple, provide excellent service, and alwaystreat you fairly.