Same-day Flower Delivery Covington, Kentucky
Adrian Durban Florist same-day flowers, plants and gift delivery to Covington, Kentucky daily. Enjoy fresh-cut flowers or handcrafted arrangements by our designers for any season, holiday, or occasion. Let us be your florist of choice. Find beautiful fresh-cut flowers for delivery to Covington, Kentucky, surrounding areas or nationwide. We could not be more excited to serve you with our high-quality roses, tulips, hydrangeas, green plants, and so much more!
Looking for a custom arrangement? Allow our design experts to find you the perfect bouquet for any of life's occasions.
ZIP Codes Served
41011, 41012, 41014, 41016, 41019
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Adrian Durban Florist the best local flower shop?
It's no stretch to say that we're a family of green thumbs. It's a Durban trait that's been passed down through the generations, with countless flowers and plants in our wake to show for it. Today, our third, fourth, and fifth generations work side by side, supported by a seasoned staff of designers and retailers, all of us abiding by the Golden Rule: "Always make the customer happy." And that's what has made us the best flower shop for over 120 years.
Does Adrian Durban offer same-day and next-day delivery?
Adrian Durban Florist offers same-day and next-day delivery every day that we are open and have the capacity to do so. We often reach capacity during busy holidays like Mother's Day and Valentine's Day and highly recommend ordering early.
Where does Adrian Durban offer same-day delivery?
We offer same-day delivery to the Greater Cincinncinati area. This includes all homes, businesses, restaurants, schools, hospitals, funeral homes, wedding venues, churches, hotels, golf courses, country clubs, and more. This also includes, but is not limited to the towns of Addyston, Bellevue, Blue Ash, Cincinnati, Covington, Crescent Springs, Crestview, Dayton, Delhi, Edgewood, Erlanger, Evendale, Fairfield, Florence, Fort Thomas, Fort Wright, Fort Mitchell, Glendale, Hamilton, Harrison, Hebron, Highland Heights, Independence, Indian Hill, Lakeside Park, Landen, Lawrenceburn, Lebanon, Liberty Township, Loveland, Madeira, Maineville, Mariemont, Mason, Milford, Montgomery, Newport, North Bend, Norwood, Park Hills, Reading Sharonville, South Lebanon, Southgate, Taylor Mill, Terrace Park, Villa Hills, West Chester, and Wyoming.
Does Adrian Durban Florist deliver to hospitals?
Adrian Durban Florist is honored to follow all hospital rules and procedures. With the ever-shifting delivery requirements in hospials, if a hospital stops allowing deliveries, we will contact you for an alternative plan.
Does Adrian Durban Florist deliver to funeral homes?
Adrian Durban delivers to all funeral homes, cemeteries, churches, and memorial centers in the Greater Cincinnati area.
What are popular flowers to send?
Roses are a classic for a reason. They are one of the most popular flowers to send. But the best flowers to send are the ones that you believe your loved ones will appreciate. If they have modern tastes, orchids are a wonderful choice. If they are a cheerful classic, daisies are delightful.
Are flowers a good gift?
Flowers are a thoughtful and great gift for anyone. They are a cheerful and bright reminder of care. Sending flowers is always appreciated.
How much does it cost to get flowers?
Adrian Durban Florist is honored to have arrangements to fit every budget. While most of our arrangements start at 50$, we also offer per-stem pricing over the phone and in-store. Our delivery fees change depending on time of year, capacity to deliver, and fuel costs.